Xander's napping has generally (knock on wood) been getting better. He--reluctantly--will go down for a nap most days (compared to his sister who fought it every day of her life), and for only the last month or so, actually sleeps 1.5-2 hours without waking up at all. Still, the initial going down part is still a struggle.
Today, I just didn't want to spend an hour begging him or forcing him to go to sleep. Late naps are just as bad as no nap. So, after about 15 minutes, I said, "Okay, if you don't want to nap today, you don't have to."
"No!" he said.
My hopes rose. "You want to take a nap?" He nodded, with a grumpy expression on his face.
Interesting, I thought. "Well, you have to lay down and be quiet if you want to nap." Shockingly, he obeyed.
He popped up a few times, and I repeated that a nap was optional, and soon enough, he was asleep.
Reverse psychology actually works. Who knew?